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IOWHE International University (with the American core and structure) established in 1984, based on correspondence education (distance education), and also few vanguard methods for scientific evaluation as a distance university type.
In Education Part, the IOWHE University method is self-learning and home study by the student with coordination via IOWHE University which its most fundamental core is the BOOK.
In Evaluation Part, IOWHE University uses two ways for assessment. One of these methods created based on investigation academic researchers(REbD®) and another one is professional experience gained from technical or professional activities (EEbD®).
REbD (Researches Evaluation becomes Degree) or University Degree based on Research Evaluation, will help you to introduce your research to others in an academic and logical way. You can also get a college or varsity degree based on your researches.
EEbD (Experiences Evaluation becomes Degree) or University Degree based on Experience Evaluation, means analyze technical and scientific experiences for taking a degree from IOWHE University. This is obvious for doing any work, required science or experience should be compatible with it and it is necessary for that work/job.
Furthermore, an evaluation in Beta Level means the final diploma does not include the mark-sheet. these diplomas are Professional Degrees. In the other hand, an evaluation in Alpha Level means the final diploma have a mark-sheet. these diplomas are Academic Degrees.
We know the clear way in education is the elementary school, high school and then university in the hierarchical format. Graduated students have some skills in operation without enough experience in practical work.
In addition, you may see some persons who can operate and have a good result in their work, but without academic degrees. Usually, they make a new Intelligently way to work for obtaining the best function and result. So, a true evaluation of applicant experiences can produce a certificate /degree /diploma from IOWHE University.
IOWHE allow you to have these abilities with using its methods and powerful structure. This complex includes several universities, partners, and interfaces in most of countries. It will be the first reason that you choose IOWHE University for taking a legalized degree.
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IOWHE University and Consortium will be glad to have contact with you. For contact with us, please see “Contact Us” page. For finding the nearest IOWHE center or official agent to you, please send us a copy of your identification card and location.
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